We are about to leave on vacation (well in about an hour when David gets home). But I wanted to take some time and get these pictures up before I leave...so without further ado!
The title has to do with this picture. I came into Annika's room the other day (she was being rather quiet and we all know that if it's quiet it may not be good) well with the help of her potty (the most use her potty has got) as a step stool she was able to reach her jars w/ her hair clips. Well here's what she did with them...she was working very hard!
It's been busy around here and will get just a little bit more busy as we get ready to leave for vacation on Thursday!! :)
The other night one of David's roommates from college called and asked if he wanted to get online and play a game.
Like Father, Like Son!
Donovan loved it!! I love the expression on Donovan's face!!
Annika and I have been crafting quite a lot while Donovan has been sleeping. One day in particular we made a "fishing pond" for her. She had fun playing with it for quite awhile.
And last but not least...doesn't Donovan look thrilled! :)
For the Love of Marshmallows!
Someone shared this video with me and I thought it was too funny not to share!! :)
Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.
I have a feeling Annika would eat 1/2 the marshmallow like the little girl in the movie and put the rest on the plate and expect another because hers was still on the plate. :)
Corn, Zuchinni, Kids, and Tomatoes
Nursery Graduate!
Well it's official...Annika has graduated from the nursery at our church. She has been in Jr. Church since the middle of the summer and started Sunday School last week and tonight she starts her first night in Kids 4 Truth! She is going to be a "Discoverer" It's shocking how fast time has gone!
Here's a picture of her all ready to go (an hour early) :) Is this 2.5 years old going on 16 or what?!? :)
And b/c we can't forget Van-man
Peace Out! :)
And b/c he's adorable!